Coconut Grove Marina, Coral Reef Yacht Club, Miami City Hall, Sailboats,  Monty's, Grove Harbour



Grove at Grand Bay, Kaufman Rossin, Ritz Carlton, Park Grove Residences, Grove Hill Tower, Tower Residences, Grove Isle



License Clips

Easily purchase Royalty-Free or Rights Managed Clips. from $49 (HD & 4K)


Create Teaser

Select several clips, then contact us for customization. from $299


Custom Capture

Simply request a quote to produce the videos you’re looking for. from $499

We have various options for licensing and using our footage, so before you buy - contact us at 305-791-5596 or to find out about special deals.

Contact Us


Looking to produce amazing content that skyrockets your marketing efforts?

Our team of experts can handle all your video production needs, from concept to completion.

Stock Movies of Coconut Groove

Are you in the middle of shooting an advertising video or need a close-up of skyscrapers to finish a TV-series episode? Video.Miami would like to offer you the largest collection of professionally shot stock videos of Coconut Grove to complete your production.

Footage of Luxurious Miami Neighborhood

We provide our clients with the high-quality Coconut Groove movies of the Coral Gables, Grand Bay, and Coconut Groove Marina full of beautiful sailboats. There are time-lapsed, aerial, driving, and sunset videos available for review and purchase online at our page.

You can buy Royalty-Free or Rights Managed Clips of HD and 4K quality, or combine several shots and create a clip with our help. In case you would like a custom-made video, contact us, and we will try to make it according to your description.

Benefits of using stock footage

While filmmaking community is vastly against using stock videos, there are a lot of reasons why directors and production companies around the world use it. Here are some of them:

-        Saves money and time. You do not have to travel with your team to take a longshot of Miami Beach or Groove Bay. 

-        No editing. You receive a ready-made video on time, and there is no need to cut it again.

-        Stock comes in high quality. All videos presented on our website are of high definition or 4K quality. 

-        Hollywood uses stock. It is a proved method to reduce the cost of production.

Buy videos of Coconut Groove neighborhood or order a specially made clip at Video.Miami.